Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Ebelik Bölümü

SWOT Analysis


  • Active student participation learning methods and the use of technology,
  • Effective communication between academic staff,
  • Departmental curricula include programs that will enable students to realize their career goals and prepare them for the roles they will assume,
  • Effective student counseling,
  • To have young and highly motivated faculty members who have the necessary competence in their fields, who are willing, faithful, young and highly motivated to improve education,
  • Ease of employment after graduation,
  • Accessible and centrally located,
  • Having a modern and developed campus,
  • The existence of international exchange programs and the effective use of these programs every semester,
  • Diversity in the curriculum, timeliness and emphasis on practical training,
  • To have an innovative, dynamic and peaceful working environment,
  • Being able to train a professional group that attracts interest and progresses,
  • Communication between academic staff and administrative staff is at the desired level,
  • Communication between administrative staff and students is at the desired level,
  • Having one of the largest and most comprehensive libraries of our university and providing instant access to online resources and databases with the username and password given to our students for off-campus access,
  • Supporting and encouraging the necessary organizations related to entrepreneurship and innovation activities in our university and faculty by the administration.


  • Incomplete sub-specialization branches,
  • Insufficient experience of faculty members abroad,
  • High number of students to be counseled per academic staff,
  • Students do not know enough foreign languages and therefore programs such as Fullbright and Erasmus are not given the necessary attention,
  • An education system devoid of virtual reality.


  • New legal regulations,
  • Improvement of the existing transportation network thanks to the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge, which is planned to be completed in 2023,
  • Recognition in national and international academic environment due to the fact that the teaching staff of our program has sufficient knowledge and equipment in their fields,
  • Having active teaching staff,
  • Having active administrative staff,
  • Adequate relationship between the department and other university faculty members,
  • Sufficient experience, ability and desire for development of the teaching staff of our department.


  • The anxiety of academic staff has a negative impact on the trend of scientific work,
  • Decline in the quality of education due to the high number of students,
  • Lack of adequate laboratories and equipment,
  • Lack of a department that can provide psychological counseling or mentoring to students other than academic staff,
  • Opening new universities,
  • Frequent changes in higher education policies affecting the quality of education,
  • Intense information pollution in the field of health,
  • Increasing student quota has a negative impact on quality,
  • The existence of violations of professional space due to the lack of clear duties, authorities and responsibilities of health professionals,
  • Failure to use collaborations in clinical practice in public institutions,
  • Unplanned increase in the number of students and the unfair competition this creates.